No-BS Venture Thoughts for No-BS Entrepreneurs

OK, so nobody take it personally. Given that one of my goals with FVB was to add some non-Boston/Silicon valley balance to the VC blogosphere, I've adopted the tagline "No-BS Venture Thoughts for No-BS Entrepreneurs." It's a double entendre intended to quickly differentiate what you'll find here and as a nod to my favorite entrepreneurs -- the ones who know how to cut through the noise and build great businesses no matter where they've chosen to live and raise their families.
I've been lucky enough to build funds in the two largest venture networks focused on non-traditional venture markets (DFJ and VV). I grew up in the Draper system learning its Silicon valley (S) style and now manage a fund in the Village network with its Bain/Highland roots in Boston (B). However, all three of my funds have been in no-BS regions where great technology/entrepreneurs ("smart people") outnumbered quality institutional funds ("smart money"). Many of the VC/entrepreneur lessons are the same everywhere, but I've learned there are some unique problems/opportunities in no-BS regions and hope to share some of that experience here.
So, I'll try to keep the BS to a minimum and welcome questions/comments from those "smart people" building companies where "smart money" is in short supply...
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I am located in Central Florida and I have a new Start up internet site the 1st of it's kind, an international beauty community called In a very short time hairflix has recieved kudo's from our easy to use 2.0 interface design to our new e-comeerce marketing channel to sell luxury brand beauty products. Hairflix was even mentioned at the 3rd annnual web 2.0 conference in San Franscisco by the CEO of Wink .com I am now seeking VC capital partners to take this venture to the next level. Hairflix has muti vertcal revenue streams and awesome branding and our beta testing is proving to show that our prospects are on target. Do you think it would be worth my while to look at InFlexion as a possible VC partner?
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