Lead Conversion at the Heart of RichFX Acquisition by ChannelAdvisor

RichFX brings to ChannelAdvisor a stable of top internet retailers, but more importantly, brings a suite of rich solutions that grow sales conversions. Some examples Scot provided are:
- Saks - jewelry example (zoom/pan/multi-image view)
- Saks - shoe example
- Men's Warehouse - build your own tux.
- Lillian Vernon - rich catalog
- Disney - custom rich catalog
- Wal-mart - rich circular
Return on Marketing Spend (ROS) = Conversion Rate (CR) * Average Order Value (AOV) / Cost Per Click
Therefore, ROS goes up when CR or AOV go up, or CPC goes down. ChannelAdvisor's suite already had AOV and CPC optimize tools. The RichFX acquisition completes the trifecta, ramping CR (and further boosting AOV).
Scot's post concludes with a couple examples with real dollars worth reviewing. Congrats Scot on the acquisition and the greater capability to maximize etailer ROS...
Labels: average order value, channeladvisor, conversion rate, cost per click, cpc, lead conversions, return on marketing spend, richfx, scot wingo
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