PayPerPost: The Consumer Generated Advertising Revolution Has Begun
I've registered for the platform as a blogger and advertiser and adoption is growing fast on both sides of the marketplace. I've also searched for paid posts across the blogosphere and find a more intelligent, mature, open adoption than the soulless-shilling originally feared. In fact, I see quality organic posts growing alongside sponsored posts by PPP adopters. At the same time, I see domain-specific social networking sites like MySpace and YouTube trying to play an advertising game that doesn't fit their core competency (those guys need to innovate social networking before and sneak up and steal their users).
So what does all that tell me? The Consumer Generated Advertising revolution has begun and it's time to choose sides.
(unsponsored post)
08-25-06 UPDATE: I guess this post struck a nerve because PPP blogged about it and even created a PPP opportunity around digg'n it. Now other bloggers are chiming in at their blogs and digg. The revolution may not be televised, but that won't stop the world from participating via CGM... |
Labels: payperpost