Search Engines: It's the Economics, Stupid
Instead of a full rundown of pros and cons for each, I'll just summarize what type of person might be best served by each.

Lijit: Best if you like the focus of social media search, across your various properties and social networks.

Google ties in AdSense from the start -- sharing revenue produced from sponsored results alongside your search results. Swicki hints about future sponsored search potential. I haven't seen a direct sponsored search claim from Lijit, but any business in the search space will ultimately have to offer sponsor revshares.
I think this last part is the most important for any new search entrants. The reason Google is so powerful in web search is not because they have the best technology. It's because they have the best distribution and the economics that distribution partners cannot walk away from for a "better" search engine. As such, Google only has to be "good enough" in search to keep their distribution.
However, blogs offer a growing distribution channel that isn't already addicted to Google rev shares. The new entrant that gets blogs addicted to a revenue stream stands the greatest chance of challenging Google in web search.
Is that crazy talk? What are your experiences? What new search engines should I be watching?
Labels: adsense, google, google coop, lijit, search engines, swicki
Comments (3)
I am a swicki fan, though I don't have it installed right now on any of my blogs. When I had it on my original homeschool blog, I used it quite a bit - and other people used it even more.
My partner has a swicki up on a blog she does about Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis and people use it constantly.
I used Google Co-op to create a custom search engine for VC related blogs:
Thanks for including Lijit in your post. Our goal is provide the most value back to both publishers and their subscribers. Meaningful statistics for the former, publisher based search for the later.
You are absolutely correct in assuming that Lijit will be providing a revenue stream back to the publisher. Look for that soon.
Thanks again for giving us a try, this Sunday you should receive an email with a snapshot of your statistics for the week. I think you will be surprised by the Re-search feature!
anonymous, try the feedburner venture capital search at
its all automatic (so you can stop typing endless urls into CSE) and includes bookmarks, etc of the most interesting VC's in the market
(full discloser, Lijit provides this service in conjunction with feedburner).
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