GuessNow: Can Predictive Markets Be Fun?

The broad idea behind predictive markets is that large populations of people, who stand to benefit from accurate predictions, can become an engine for predicting future events. If you read the wikipedia article I linked above, you'll find that there is some controversy around the accuracy of results and various approaches to received optimal results. has an interesting management team, with John Ferber leading the charge as CEO. John, with his brother Scott, previously founded before selling it to AOL in 2004. I like serial entrepreneurs. I like the connection of advertising minds to predictive markets, because I've seen too many companies pursue "cool ideas" like artificial intelligence, behavioral modelling or predictive markets with business models as a secondary concern. I also like that the site feels a bit more engaging/fun than you might expect from a predictive market.
Turning to the site itself, I thought John's incentive system was interesting. Instead of a pure stock market type of system with various prices for different outcomes, GN implemented a point system. Specifically, users can earn points for answering questions correctly (more points for correct, fewer points for incorrect), answering questions early (more points for early, fewer points for later), and avoiding group think (more points for correct answers going against the crowd). They also have a bonus point system for site participation and advertiser offers, but I don't entirely understand the "bonus" section of the site -- that section feels more like rewarding site behavior and CPA advertising than predictive.

They have a good set of questions, including topic areas such as:
- Recently Added Questions
- Business & Finance
- People & Entertainment
- Sports
- US & World News
- Miss Internet Pageant 2007(?)
- Vida Latina
- Why would you buy a hybrid car?
- Will Facebook do an IPO before Halloween?
- Will either Yahoo or Google acquire Facebook this year?
- Will there be a Microsoft announcement about the purchase of Yahoo by the end of this year?
- Will venture capitalists from the U.S. continue to encourage innovative entrepreneurs in India ?
- With the overwhelming popularity of blogs, YouTube, and interactive reality TV, do you feel that we are at the threshold of Andy Warhol's "15 minutes of fame"?
A few of my suggestions include:
1) I loved some of the higher level data concepts such as accuracy ratios, friction and confidence levels -- find ways to share that data and reward publicly on these;
2) I know the "Shocking New Video" ads are probably prompted/related to your Miss Internet Pageant 2007, but they could be a tad risque for the diverse demographic good predictions will require; and
3) I may have missed it, but I couldn't find where to compare past group predictions with past actual results -- that is the question everyone has about such markets and there has to be some data you can share, probably great linkbait.
And, lastly, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention GN's points-based affiliate program and blog. I don't know GN's funding status, but this review has prompted me to dig a little deeper. Thanks for reaching out to me guys!
Labels: facebook, google, guessnow, long tail, payperpost, predictive markets, wisdom of crowds, yahoo
Comments (6)
Wow what a really cool site, i'm hooked! thanks for the turn on!
This is site is so much fun as everyone should try it. I play all the time and love it.
One of the best things is that the more I answered right, the more points I got and that in turn helped me to win the big prize pool for last month.
Maybe will be on tv?
Thanks again
Thanks for the comments, but I'm not a big fan of anonymous comments. I'm glad you liked the tip, but please introduce yourself with at least a proper siglink next time... ;-)
i dunno - seems to me that people whose answer you should value may not want to invest their time on something that must pay out minimal $ at best...
Of course, Yahoo Answers has rockin participation, and pays nothing, so there - but then it becomes a scale game, which these guys cant play (yet).
@gc: The system shouldn't rely on a few extremely insightful people in each category so I agree they need to get scale.
I also think that cash payout models work good for attracting a segment of the population, but it may now provide the diversity required for broad-based predictions. That's why I'd recommend publishing as much data/intelligence as possible from these votes.
There are plenty of data junkies whether for fun or business that would participate in exchange for interesting predictive analytics. Done right, I also think there is as much money to be made in selling those analytics as there is in ads.
Yes, I know, catch-22 to either publish it early to drive traffic or hide it to monetize B2B...there could be a way to monetize insight as votes are taking place and just after close; then publish a week or so later.
correction above: I meant to say "may NOT provide the diversity required"
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