Contest: Be the VC
I promised to PayPal $20 to my favorite post, but I left the criteria pretty open. I was roughly looking for 1) most interesting new finds and 2) general quality of the post/blog. The incentive and budget on this opp was modest so I appreciate all of the participating Posties, but I'd like to recognize 4 of my favorites here, including the winner.
Hmmm at uncovered (free directory assistance) and (MySpace/Virb/Vox) . Both were interesting and the blog had a nice clean look.
Would you like to be a Venture Capitalist (for a day, that is)? at uncovered Fliptrack (video/audio editing) and provided some nice examples in the post and comments.
Be the VC at shared multiple ideas for leveraging SecondLife. Although raw ideas weren't exactly what I was looking for, I wanted to recognize the length and depth of Kevin's post, integrating images and video. I like the SecondLife banking possibilities, but Kevin's comment about low daily concurrent users (only 19K-36K?) is a concern.
It was a squeaker, but my favorite post was Who Deserves Venture Capital? at by Eve Lester. Although I didn't really understand what was all about, I was intrigued by Eve's first tip: I've spoken to a few entrepreneurs who are leveraging video tutorial sites for vertical opportunities (recruiting, medical etc.), but there is room for one or two catch-all sites as well. I've embedded an example of what you might find at Tubetorial -- they need some easy embed tools and a broader set of tutorial topics. This one's called "Be the Master of Your Own Domain"
Video isn't as good as text for snippets of info, but can be great for detailed how-to. I also thought Eve's blog design had a good balance of aesthetics and information -- most designs are heavy on one of those two areas.
Thanks everyone for playing via PayPerPost and congrats Eve, I've got $20 waiting for your PayPal address -- don't spend it all in one place ;-)
Labels: contest, fliptrack, free411, loowa, payperpost, secondlife, tubetorial