Awash in Social Graphs and News Feeds, Happy Birthday felt great!

Interestingly, however, when my wife told me "Happy Birthday" before I left for work yesterday, she wasn't the first. You see, one of my blog readers, "Mark", beat her to it with a 12:30am Skype. I also had multiple early morning well-wishers from various social networks.
Friends in California who I see maybe once a year even beat my dad and brother to the punch -- and I talk to those guys almost daily.
Although I feel buried by social graph feeds and worry about personal data privacy, birthday wishes throughout the day felt good. It's just one of the simple pleasures of perpetual connectedness.
In thanks for all the birthday love, here's an interesting online find: Hey There Delilah via online karaoke, including recording, saving and sharing...enjoy!
Related images: happy birthday, social graph, karaoke, hey there delilah, plain white t's, happy birthday
Labels: happy birthday, hey there delilah, karaoke, plain white t's, social graph
Comments (3)
Happy Birthday! I thought I missed it on Facebook, but then I saw that you have that hidden.
On Facebook, birthday wall posts have become so commonplace (and arguably, cliche) that there are now Grease Monkey scripts designed to automate the process.
Just run the script and you'll automatically write "Happy b-day!" on any friend's wall whose birthday it is that day. Call it automated social behavior... very personal, hahaha...
thanks Bryan...frankly, I'm surprised how long it's taken to reach automated social behavior. Plaxo, LinkedIn and others had the opportunity well before the social networks, but didn't capitalize.
Dan, here's a very belated Happy Birthday! At least you know this one isn't computer generated. :)
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