SBSS Week 2: 10 Reasons to Talk to Your Customers Early

We had another great week of the Success Breeds Success Series. This week covered Markets and Market Research -- with a focus on sizing your market and understanding what customers want.
Randy Scott, CEO of NovaMin, was the guest speaker and did a fantastic job of summarizing his efforts to select and size NovaMin's market. A defining characteristic of his market research was a focus on talking to customers instead of just relying on library/internet research (he did that too). As a result, his numbers and decisions were grounded in reality, not assumptions.
Entrepreneurs who talk to their customers early benefit in a multitude of ways:
1) Customers can provide primary data on market dynamics & size;
2) Customers often have/share secondary data (research reports etc.) on their markets;
3) Customers are typically more open to answer questions if the goal is reasearch instead of sales;
4) Customers can help prioritize product features;
5) Customers may provide early commitments for trials/sales;
6) Customers can be valuable references for funding diligence;
7) Customers could become early investors;
8) Customers can be a resource for more customers (e.g. trade associations);
9) Customers may know of good management candidates from their industry;
10) Customers that are included early, become long-term resources for information and guidance;
So...why are you reading this? Go talk to your customers...
Labels: customers, novamin, randy scott, sbss, vcfaq
Comments (1)
Well said Dan. I've started doing the same. I've done a fair amount of online research, but I've started compiling a list and calling the end users for my idea. Thankfully so far they've confirmed many of my thoughts. Although, I've also found some great information on they key way to sale them.
Also, this reminds me of one of Mark Cuban's recent post that said something similar to this, but Mark added that once he started a business those people whom he'd talked to during market research ended up being his first clients.
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