Florida Venture Blog by Dan Rua dan

No-BS Venture Thoughts for No-BS Entrepreneurs.

A running perspective on Florida's growing tech and venture community, with an occasional detour to the Southeast/national scene, venture capital FAQs and maybe a gadget or two....

By Dan Rua, Managing Partner of Inflexion Partners -- "Florida's Venture Fund".

Am I the Key to a Secret CIA Conspiracy?

spyThis has to be an April Fool's Joke, but it got a chuckle nonetheless. It seems two of the companies I'm on the board of (PayPerPost & CallMiner) have a secret joint venture with the CIA to identify and undermine radical, dissident bloggers. Hey, I know some of those. Why didn't my entrepreneurs tell me so I could watch what I say here at FVB? Maybe I'm a spy and don't even realize it?

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Connect the Dots for Your VCs and Board

connect the dotsI've been lucky in my venture career to typically lead deals as the local VC. This has allowed me to be very close and active with the entrepreneurs I back -- some may even suggest 'too active'.

There are many benefits from such a relationship, but one I particular appreciate is the opportunity to see both sides of typical entrepreneur/VC misunderstandings. The large majority of misunderstandings are about communication and little more. In particular, remote VCs/Directors either specifically yearn for more communication or, more often, they take issue with key business decisions that they don't completely understand because of poor entrepreneur communication.

Here's why it happens:
1) Entrepreneur lives their business 24/7, developing an intuitive sense for their market, customers, products and competitors -- and blindspots to what others don't already understand about their business;
2) Remote VC/Director focuses on the business at best one week per month, and more likely 2-3 days per month.

Now, if I'm right about this, think about how easy it is for an entrepreneur to forget to communicate 90% of what he/she has learned to inform their decisions. Likewise, think about how skewed/narrow a remote VC's perspective can be on the details -- some of which are critical to significant strategic decisions.

Given the realities of startups and funds, you're not going to change the typical time commitment of a remote VC board member. A couple things you can do is:
1) Make sure you have a local VC who can help you and remote VCs see the same things; and
2) Over-communicate by 'Connecting the Dots' for your VCs. Don't just share your vision, but share why it's your vision, how you plan to reach that vision and how you plan to track your progress/forks on the plan.

There are reasons you make the big decisions you do, and you need to share those reasons with your VCs. They may not agree with your conclusions, but at least everyone will have the same key datapoints in front of them. If you've done this well, your VCs will be happier, your VCs will provide better guidance and you'll have even greater trust in the guidance you receive.

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Jedi Entrepreneur Mind Trick: TheFunded and VC Persuasion

According to Wikipedia:
"the Jedi mind trick is a Force power. Jedi who know the power can, by using the Force, influence the actions of other 'weak-minded' sentient beings."
Now, replace "the Force" with "TheFunded", "Jedi" with "Jedi Entrepreneur" and "other 'weak-minded' sentient beings" with "VCs" and you have:
"the Jedi Entrepreneur mind trick is a TheFunded power. Jedi Entrepreneurs who know the power can, by using TheFunded, influence the actions of VCs."
I've noticed a growing trend of entrepreneurs contacting me with an intro referencing Inflexion's good reputation at TheFunded. It's usually a tone of congratulations. I think this is brilliant yet subtle and leverages yet another Jedi Entrepreneur power gained from social media (one of the earliest being the LinkedIn-enhanced, you-and-I-know-the-same-person cold call heater).

Maybe the entrepreneur really is impressed by Inflexion's ratings, but, just maybe, he/she is using the Jedi Entrepreneur Mind Trick to influence the 'weak-minded' sentient beings, VCs. Such an email immediately puts the VC on notice that you are aware of TheFunded and you buy into the VC reputation-system it embodies. VCs who actually care about entrepreneur opinions are then susceptible to the Force persuasion.

Just as Obi-Wan Kenobi was able to say "These aren't the droids you're looking for" and make it so, the Entrepreneur is then able to say "Your fund has a great reputation for thorough review, thoughtful feedback and value-added intros". And guess what, chances of getting that thorough review, thoughtful feedback and value-added intros jump considerably. Just as the Force couldn't create matter from non-matter, I'm not sure this force can make checks appear -- but it could increase/speed your chances of changing the world.

Now, I'm not admitting to being in the "other 'weak-minded' sentient beings" category. But, I'd love to hear whether some real-world tests with various VCs can prove the power of TheFunded and the Jedi Entrepreneur Mind Trick. If it has no effect, only you can decide whether to cross over and use TheFunded for the dark side.

And, while I'm at it, I guess I'll try too: "Inflexion is the venture fund you're looking for." ;-)

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Ad Spend Trends

John Furrier posted some nice AdAge graphs, on automotive sector advertising spend trends. He also asked "Are Ad Agencies Dying?". I'm not sure about the latter, but a shift is clearly afoot:
online ad spending

Related images: john furrier, ad spending

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Sched.org: Order from Chaos at SXSW

Congrats to local AJAX cage-fighters Taylor McKnight and Chirag Mehta -- for mashing together the hot site of SXSW 2008: Sched.org. Last year's SXSW love child was Twitter, this year was Sched.

Sched's simplicity and on-the-fly find/group scheduling picked up a couple thousand members during the conference -- and coverage by Wired, TechCrunch, and Silicon Alley Insider along the way (see Techmeme). It didn't hurt Sched buzz that the site was developed in only 14 hours (after some early McKnight prototyping).

Sched isn't the first McKnight & Mehta joint -- Chime.TV is another, delivering TV-like usability for net video. Taylor also helped create PodBop with Daniel Westermann-Clark. Keep 'em coming guys!

UPDATE: A mobile version is in such high demand that Michael Galpert even kicked off SponsorSched.org to get McKnight & Mehta an iPhone via this widget -- I'll toss some change in that hat:

Related images: taylor mcknight, chirag mehta, sxsw

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Best Video for Wii Internet Channel?

What is the best HD video option for the Wii Internet Channel? The Wii is a great way to watch video on our HD flat-screen, but it feels like the category could be much better served by a Wii-optimized site. Right now we're surfing YouTube and Stumble's Wii-specific video channel -- but surfing remains clunky and quality is poor (e.g. YouTube low quality is magnified on large screens). Kudos to Stumble for a good first try.

If you know of a better solution, I'd like to know -- even if it involves Wii Hacks. If you're a video hosting site and want a new angle -- creating the best Wii HD Video Channel interface could be worthwhile. Particularly if Apple TV gets more buzz and all those Wii owners realize they already have it...

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Beatbox, SXSW Style

Most of the SXSW wrap-up posts have trickled in by now, but I noticed this when I was checking IZEA's latest video antics. It's a beatbox mashup from the SXSW Bloghaus, including beats from Guy Kawasaki (How to Change the World), Darren Rouse (Problogger), Stephanie Agresta (Internet Geek Girl), Wendy Piersall (eMom) and many others...plus an opening by Loren Feldman (1938 Media) and a closing Britney Spears move by Aaron Brazell (Technosailor).

There are a lot of great bloggers in this vid I didn't name, can you name them -- via comment here or post at your blog?

Related images: guy kawasaki, darren rouse, stephanie agresta, wendy piersall, loren feldman, aaron brazell, sxsw

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History of Blogging

The human atom splitter, Steve Spalding, invited me to participate in his latest social media experiment: HistoryOfBlogging.com. Given the various ideas we've kicked around in the past, I wasn't sure how serious he was. Low and behold, he took action and has pulled together a diverse network of quality bloggers with common threads of technology and entrepreneurship. If you like what you read here, you should check them out and/or subscribe -- and if you haven't subscribed to FVB yet, what's the holdup?

HoB member blogs include:

How To Split An Atom

Author: Steve Spalding

How To Split An Atom is a weblog that explores the intersections of Social Media, Marketing and Culture all taken from the slant of the so called New Web.

On it we look at the entrepreneurs, memes, and other odds and ends that make up the digital economy.

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The Geekette Speaketh

Author: Charo Nuguid

Hello! I’m the Head Geekette. At least, that’s how I’m known in cyberspace.

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Broadcasting Brain

Author: Mark Dykeman

Exploring and broadcasting from the sweet spots at the intersections of:

* communication and perception
* popular culture, social media, and commerce
* creativity and content creation

Our brains are powerful assets as we broadcast our thoughts, opinions, ideas, and feelings into the blogosphere and across the Web.

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Sellsius Real Estate Blog

Author: Joseph Ferrara

Sellsius covers all aspects of real estate, with a focus on marketing and new technology. The goal is to inform in an entertaining way. There are tips, new trends, consumer news and a heavy dose of humor. You may see something unusual from time to time because we like to color outside the lines.

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Florida Venture Blog

Author: Dan Rua

A running perspective on Florida’s growing tech and venture community, with an occasional detour to the Southeast/national scene, venture capital FAQs and maybe a gadget or two….

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Instigator Blog

Author: Benjamin Yoskovitz

Blogging provides me a way of expressing my thoughts on startups, entrepreneurship and business, as well as diving into social media, blogging and online communities. It’s a great way to build relationships and maintain contact with friends and colleagues all over the world.

I’m located in Montreal, Quebec Canada.

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Thinking Serious

Author: Elmer Thomas

This blog provides programming, design, business and productivity content for tech entrepreneurs living in a 2.0 world.

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history of blogging

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Five Bulbs, One Pad: Real Magic from WiPower

Real magic -- wireless power. Staying on my video post trend of late, here's a quick demo of WiPower's technology. I've met founder Ryan Tseng a few times and I come away more impressed each time.

Is it just me, or was that 6th bulb there just to tease us?

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Two Million Minutes, One VC's Wakeup Call

Regardless of nationality, as soon as a student completes the 8th grade, the clock starts ticking. From that very moment the child has approximately -

…Two Million Minutes until high school graduation…Two Million Minutes to build their intellectual foundation…Two Million Minutes to prepare for college and ultimately career…Two Million Minutes to go from a teenager to an adult.

How a student spends their Two Million Minutes - in class, at home studying, playing sports, working, sleeping, socializing or just goofing off -- will affect their economic prospects for the rest of their lives.

Bob Compton has been on the investor and entrepreneur sides of the table. He has travelled the globe as a businessman, a tourist, and now as a documentary producer. His film, Two Million Minutes, contrasts the work/study practices (not just Math/Science) of high-schoolers in the USA, India and China and is getting attention by investors, educators and leaders.

One analogy Compton uses is that Indian and Chinese families apply the same passion and dedication to education that many US families reserve for sports -- but economic futures for our children and countries will not be determined on a football field, basketball court or baseball diamond.

Not having seen the full documentary, it's hard for me to comment too deeply. However, I've ordered the DVD and, with two young girls, the topic is near and dear to my heart. Check out the trailer, including interviews with VC, friend and edu-philanthropist Tim Draper, entrepreneur and globalization researcher Vivek Wadhwa and others...

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Florida Venture Capital and Entrepreneur Interviews

Phil Leigh of Inside Digital Media caught me at the Florida Venture Capital Conference and we sat down to discuss the state of Florida entrepreneurship and venture capital. While at the same conference, Phil also sat down with David Bayer, co-founder of Inflexion portfolio company Databanq Media. I've included both videos below.

I've been following Phil's broadcasts since we met and I'm impressed with the stream of interviews he puts together. His topics are timely and his videos feel more like talking to a colleague than a typical news/magazine interview. Enjoy!

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