Am I the Key to a Secret CIA Conspiracy?

Labels: april fools, callminer cia, payperpost
No-BS Venture Thoughts for No-BS Entrepreneurs.
A running perspective on Florida's growing tech and venture community, with an occasional detour to the Southeast/national scene, venture capital FAQs and maybe a gadget or two....
By Dan Rua, Managing Partner of Inflexion Partners -- "Florida's Venture Fund".
Labels: april fools, callminer cia, payperpost
Labels: connect the dots, local vcs, remote vcs, vcfaq
"the Jedi mind trick is a Force power. Jedi who know the power can, by using the Force, influence the actions of other 'weak-minded' sentient beings."Now, replace "the Force" with "TheFunded", "Jedi" with "Jedi Entrepreneur" and "other 'weak-minded' sentient beings" with "VCs" and you have:
"the Jedi Entrepreneur mind trick is a TheFunded power. Jedi Entrepreneurs who know the power can, by using TheFunded, influence the actions of VCs."I've noticed a growing trend of entrepreneurs contacting me with an intro referencing Inflexion's good reputation at TheFunded. It's usually a tone of congratulations. I think this is brilliant yet subtle and leverages yet another Jedi Entrepreneur power gained from social media (one of the earliest being the LinkedIn-enhanced, you-and-I-know-the-same-person cold call heater).
Labels: jedi entrepreneur mind trick, obi-wan kenobi, thefunded, vc 2.0
Labels: ad spending, adage, john furrier
Labels:, chirag mehta, podbop,, silicon alley insider, sxsw, taylor mcknight, techcrunch, techmeme, twitter, wired
Labels: hd video, internet channel, stumble, wii, youtube
Labels: aaron brazell, beatbox, darren rouse, guy kawasaki, izea, loren feldman, stephanie agresta, sxsw, wendy piersall
Author: Steve Spalding
How To Split An Atom is a weblog that explores the intersections of Social Media, Marketing and Culture all taken from the slant of the so called New Web.
On it we look at the entrepreneurs, memes, and other odds and ends that make up the digital economy.
Author: Charo Nuguid
Hello! I’m the Head Geekette. At least, that’s how I’m known in cyberspace.
Author: Mark Dykeman
Exploring and broadcasting from the sweet spots at the intersections of:
* communication and perception
* popular culture, social media, and commerce
* creativity and content creation
Our brains are powerful assets as we broadcast our thoughts, opinions, ideas, and feelings into the blogosphere and across the Web.
Author: Joseph Ferrara
Sellsius covers all aspects of real estate, with a focus on marketing and new technology. The goal is to inform in an entertaining way. There are tips, new trends, consumer news and a heavy dose of humor. You may see something unusual from time to time because we like to color outside the lines.
[Subscribe via RSS]
Author: Dan Rua
A running perspective on Florida’s growing tech and venture community, with an occasional detour to the Southeast/national scene, venture capital FAQs and maybe a gadget or two….
Author: Benjamin Yoskovitz
Blogging provides me a way of expressing my thoughts on startups, entrepreneurship and business, as well as diving into social media, blogging and online communities. It’s a great way to build relationships and maintain contact with friends and colleagues all over the world.
I’m located in Montreal, Quebec Canada.
Author: Elmer Thomas
This blog provides programming, design, business and productivity content for tech entrepreneurs living in a 2.0 world.
Labels: benjamin yoskovitz, charo nuguid, dan rua, elmer thomas, history of blogging, how to split an atom, joseph ferrara, mark dykeman, steve spalding
Labels: inductive coupling, mit, no wires, uf, wipower, wireless power
Regardless of nationality, as soon as a student completes the 8th grade, the clock starts ticking. From that very moment the child has approximately -
…Two Million Minutes until high school graduation…Two Million Minutes to build their intellectual foundation…Two Million Minutes to prepare for college and ultimately career…Two Million Minutes to go from a teenager to an adult.
How a student spends their Two Million Minutes - in class, at home studying, playing sports, working, sleeping, socializing or just goofing off -- will affect their economic prospects for the rest of their lives.
Labels: 2 million minutes, bob compton, china, education, india, tim draper, two million minutes, usa
Labels: databanq, david bayer, florida venture capital, florida venture capital conference, inflexion, inside digital media, interview, phil leigh