VC FAQ: Venture Capital Valuation

Her site,, appears to be an early step towards a "Best of" site for various cities around New Jersey and elsewhere. I say "early step" with no details, because the name and domain are clearly ripe for improvement. Her questions were:
How do VC's value an online venture?
The "valuation question" is probably the most often asked question I hear directly from entrepreneurs or on venture capital panels. Entrepreneurs are either trying to understand how crazy high valuations in the news are justified or how crazy low valuations (in their eyes) offered by early-stage VCs are justified. I've been on the entrepreneur side of the table and now the VC side and I know the answer, but it's rarely satisfying for entrepreneurs to hear.
First, there is no one way to value a company. Different funds use different methods, and when you're talking about M&A time it's highly dependent upon the synergies a specific acquirer is trying to buy. Approaches also differ based upon the stage of a company. Because I focus on seed and early-stage companies, any suggestion by entrepreneurs of discounted cash flows makes me run the other way -- the future is way too uncertain for such calculations.
So, if there isn't one way, what can I expect on the fundraising trail? A mix of Art, Science and Voodoo. The Art of valuation takes into account your Market, Management, Magic and plenty of other soft factors to create a spectrum of investor excitement. The Science of valuation takes into account private and public comparables (what price are similar companies commanding in the marketplace), and some spreadsheet work with future revenue/income potentials. The Voodoo of valuation brings in such factors as fund size, typical/expected ownership % and the termsheet competition. At the end of the day, it comes down to getting multiple funding offers so you can actually reach a "market price" -- zero or one offer does not a market make.
I've even created a short presentation that reviews the Art, Science and Voodoo of Valuation and included it below:
Applying all of this to an online venture doesn't change the process much. One oddity in online ventures is the value placed on eyeballs (by some), with the potential of a freemium revenue model (most users are free, pro users pay). Because of these oddities, I'd put more weight on the Voodoo elements -- divide your round size by the typical ownership expectation of the fund you're speaking to, and you'll get pretty close to the valuation they will offer (if they offer anything).
Do you have any advice on short, medium, and long-term strategies to maximize the value of a blog or online business?
For a blog, I'd start with the First Commandment of blogging: frequent quality content = traffic. Frequent content isn't enough alone and quality content isn't enough alone. It may be heresy, but I'd suggest frequency is even more important than quality -- assuming some periodic quality a reader can expect. Readers aren't expecting every blogger to be a professional writer, but they are looking for unique access or unique perspectives on information.
I'd also say that pro blogging is a contact sport. It's hard to do it well if you don't live the blogosphere life of social networking, bookmarking and engaging your readers. Just reporting information isn't enough.
Then, assuming traffic comes, the question becomes how do you make a business from your efforts. There are thousands of get-rich-blogging pundits, but I'd focus on the networks or marketplaces that help you earn by doing what you already love. If your blogging has to change significantly for monetization then I'm not sure it's sustainable. Write the way you enjoy and find marketplaces that will bring advertisers to you, from a variety of topic/product areas so you and your readers don't tire of the sponsors.
Last, for blogs, I'd suggest setting your expectations appropriately. Getting rich blogging is unlikely. However, there are thousands of bloggers paying a mortgage, buying new cars or taking extra vacations with their earnings. Consider anything beyond that just icing on the cake.
For non-blog online businesses, it's hard for me to give one set of value-creating actions. It really depends upon the business. As an investor who has been around viral businesses since HotMail first pioneered the approach, I encourage every online business to 1) find ways for new customers to learn about your business specifically because current customers use it and 2) streamline your referral/signup process to remove every barrier to adoption.
So there you have it, valuation and value-creation in one handy-dandy blog post. I really only scratched the surface, but I hope you find a nugget of interest. If nothing else, I must have prompted another question...if so, blog me another VC FAQ.
Labels: angie's list, art, science, socialspark, spark, valuation, vcfaq, voodoo
Comments (5)
Thanks for the insight into the valuation of a web property as a VC sees it. My question is how do you know what level of investment you should be looking for, or if you should be looking for investment at all. I know how much we can bootstrap for, but I also know what 6 figures could do for us and international scaling. It's been a straining question in our offices for the past few weeks as we prepare the initial design and launch.
Nice post. I love the slide show - the comic in the beginning is very funny. However, it begs the question: How can entrepreneurs generate term sheet competition? :P
@greg: My advice is to run as long as you can before taking down VC -- it's expensive money. That said, you should cultivate VC relationships along the way, keeping them up to date on your progress. Their body language will help you discern when your companies has moved from triggering fear to triggering greed in investor hearts/minds.
Of course, some businesses cannot scale without capital, so you may need a formal raise sooner than preferred. In that case, ask for a range that allows you to talk to a variety of investors -- you want round size to hit their sweetspot so they can focus on being excited about your business.
@bryan: I wish I had a better SWF player. I was running late and had to grab what I could. If you know of a better one that doesn't smash the prez and insert the ad, please advise.
Termsheet competition? Now there's a topic for another whole post. It's one part true opportunity attractiveness and one part perceived opportunity attractiveness, including competitive name-dropping at the opportune times. I've met some entrepreneurs that are masters at the latter, even if their true opportunity attractiveness is marginal. I try to stay away from those competitive situations and focus on entrepeneurs who see unique value in partnering with me and my fund.
@ vc dan,
Thanks for the insight! It looks like that route is the way we are going during the initial launch and summer music festival season. Let the bands do the talking for us and bootstrap until we start turning some profits.
However if the right options arise, you can't be scared to take it for the better of the company and to provide the best services to your clients/fans/customers.
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