I Knew Ted Murphy was Superman, but Geez

Early this morning, Ted shared this twitter stream (read from bottom, up):
canceling all credit cards. about 1 hour ago
I would so stick my face in some cake right now. travis...... wake the F up!!!!! about 2 hours ago from web
nothing to do. just makes me sad. one minute I am having a great time. 5 minutes later I am strapped to a gurney bleeding all over. about 2 hours ago from web
26 hours of no sleep. beaten by 8 guys. Happy to be alive. http://tinyurl.com/6m3gbm about 2 hours ago from web
@john_reese this is my last trip here. great food. good atmosphere but the risk outweighs the reward. about 2 hours ago from web in reply to john_reese
@taralamberson I will. just need to keep us awake to make sure we are ok. both took lots of hits to the head; about 2 hours ago from web in reply to taralamberson
@Social_Citizen no. not at all. about 2 hours ago from web in reply to Social_Citizen
my eyes are so red and both are so tired but can not sleep. New Orleans hospital almost as scary as the robbery itself. about 2 hours ago from web
eyes and face bloody. but both are ok. i was kicked mostly in the head. travis mostly in the body. both alive and breathing. thank the lord. about 2 hours ago from web
http://tinyurl.com/6hnw2w My wallet after theft in new orleans about 2 hours ago from web
police. hah. they wanted to arrest travis for helping me. dragged out of urinal by 8 dudes. crazzzzzy stuff. i was like what!?!?!? about 2 hours ago from web
just realized they stole my camera too. about 2 hours ago from web
rolled over and beaten. both of us. bad. blood all over. about 2 hours ago from web
pocket that is. i hope we are ok. about 2 hours ago from web
OMG I got jumped in new orleans. Travis jacked too. went to the hospital. just released. both wallets stolen. staying up to make sure ok. about 2 hours ago from web

Ted has taken a lot of grief from a lot of people while building IZEA and always comes back swinging. As a result, he's pioneered an industry and helped a ton of people put food on the table, pay tuition and make house payments while doing what they love, blogging. I'm just glad he kept his head down this time.
Get well guys!
Related images: ted murphy, travis andrews, new orleans
Labels: izea, new orleans, robbery, ted murphy, travis andrews
Comments (8)
saw that twitter stream this morning, pretty disturbing indeed. And it comes after what appeared to be a pretty successful couple of days on the road promoting and speaking.
What happened to them was done by the lowest sort of people. I am glad that they were not critically hurt or even worse, killed over a few dollars and some cameras. That turned my stomach this morning when I saw the feed on twitter.
I sent a link to the post along to the press contacts for New Orleans Tourism site (lea@notmc dot com
grace@notmc dot com). Bad things can happen anywhere, but I've heard of numerous problems with the police in New Orleans.
Super Ken! I'll forward the same and would appreciate others as well.
I just got off the phone with Ted and it sounds like the police were more focused on keeping Travis out of Ted's ambulance than they were on catching the attackers. It's not even clear they interviewed anyone at the club for physical descriptions/clothes etc. How can 8 guys beat and rob 2 in a bathroom and leave in a hurry without others having some descriptions to share?
You'd think witness interviews are standard police procedure when the victim was knocked unconscious early in the attack.
Airport attendant suggested that 1 in 10 visitors to downtown get something stolen. I sure hope that's an exaggeration -- it's definitely not the story I've been hearing on mainstream media about the revival of New Orleans...
I wish Ted and Travis a happy healing. I also hope that Karma kicks in for both parties, obviously rewarding Ted & Travis, and well... we all know how Karma works!
Your first commandment is the key to the whole picture. How many people actually go back and read old posts? How many people stick around if the latest content is months old? New material everyday. Keep writing all the time. They don't leave blank spaces in the paper if the columnists go on strike. The same should apply to the bloggers.
Wow, that's horrible. I'm glad that they are alright. Ted, geez, why didn't you use your powers of marketing persuasion on them?
Bastards. Glad to hear you will be ok.
Jim Kukral
Definitely sucks, but thanks to twitter and the blogosphere, you get to laugh and share the story with a lot of frieds. Think about how much it would suck if you got beat up in new orleans ten years ago. It still would have sucked, but you would have no one to share your story with.
No you get to go back and say " remember that time we were drunk in new orleans and got the shit kicked out of us.
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