BlogWorld & PostieCon: Will I see you there?

And, just as Jelly is the tangy, sweetness in a good PB&J, PostieCon layers on some great flavor with new media monetization talks by David Ponce, Michelle Madhok, Jim Kukral, Shirley Frazier, Sherry Heyl, Sean Jackson and others. There's even a session where the Fab 5 top earners of PayPerPost share their stories/secrets. The events culminate with the unveiling of PPP's Argus monster of a release (attendees get early-adopter keys) and the Blogger's Choice Awards Saturday night at Tao Las Vegas (invitation only). Rosie is the top overall BCA vote-getter so far, will Ross the Intern catch her as the final secret ballot votes are tallied? And don't forget FVB is nominated: vote FVB for Best Business Blog now!
If you're already planning to attend, please stop me to say Hi! If you haven't booked yet, get moving. There are still some great non-stop flights available (I just booked) if you can secure your spot at the conferences. If you attend just one blogging event this year, make it this one, er, two, plus the BCAs -- all in Vegas...
Related images: blogworld, postiecon, bloggers choice awards, argus, las vegas, payperpost, brad feld, mike arrington, david ponce, michelle madhok, jim kukral, shirley frazier, sherry heyl, rosie, ross the intern
Labels: argus, bloggers choice awards, blogworld, brad feld, las vegas, mike arrington, payperpost, portfolio, postiecon
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